Here it comes....

the first entry.

November 16 2007, 7:23 PM

What will this blog be about? NO IDEA!

But that doesn't matter.

First, about me. I'm very, very strange, and my family is a *little* dyfunctional. i basically take care of my mother, and ignore my father. I only call my dad if I have to, I only hug my mom i I have to. That's just sort of how it goes. I've been caring for my mother since I was about..................................7. My mother is currently talking to my little cousin with care about equal to the care she gives to my guinea pig, which is a lot. Um.. I can't wait for sunday, because I'm going to meet ,y friend's friend. And I'm like sort of a little bit on love, which sucks... it's not mutual. Can't wait 'till im 18.. College!


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Last update Nov 16, 2007
